Want to Join the Guild?
People are either invited into the Guild, or apply for membership. We expect you to comply with our membership guidelines (see below) and your application must be accompanied by a recommendation from a Guild Member (see our current members)
1. Check if you Qualify
Every application gets vetted by the Film Critics Guild Vetting Committee before they can be added to the Guild. Please read our rules and regulations given below to see if you qualify for application.
2. Find a referer
Membership requires a referral from an existing member recommending your request. You can browse the list of our members and choose to request a person of your choice to recommend you.
3. Send us your info
Please write to this address requesting us for the application form. Kindly read the rules and regulations given below before applying.
What We Expect
- Members shall declare any conflict of interest (working with members of the film fraternity whose films one is reviewing, consulting on scripts, receiving payments for favourable reviews/social media posts etc.) to the managing committee as soon as the commitment happens.
- Members shall be personally liable for all acts and deeds.
- Members shall not plagiarise material, defined as deliberately copying the work of others and claiming it as your own, with no attribution.
- Members shall not steal goods or services from studio representatives, theatres or other Guild (FCG) members.
- The objectives of the Film Critics Guild (FCG) are of prime importance. Members must bear in mind these objectives and abide by the FCG Bye-Laws at all times.
- Members shall not use their Guild (FCG) membership to demand special treatment (this includes demanding promotional items for personal use, demanding extra screening passes or demanding free passes to films that have already opened)
- Members shall not allow gifts or favors to influence the content of reviews.
- Members shall not review films they have not seen.
- Members shall not review films that they have walked out of or turned off without revealing that they did not see them in their entirety.
- Members shall not review films in which they have a creative or financial interest.
- Members shall not threaten or harass artists, studio representatives, theatre owners and their employees or other FCG members.
- Members shall not falsify press credentials or professional associations.
- Members shall not falsely claim to be an official representative of the FCG.
- Members shall not indulge in unauthorised recording of theatrical releases or indulge in practices such as posting “live-tweet reviews” while watching a film. Films must be reviewed in their entirety.
- All written reviews must be professionally edited and presented. Writers should check factual information for accuracy before printing or posting.
- Member shall not indulge in unauthorised copying and/or sale of studio screeners, including (but not limited to) internet distribution.
- Members shall not violate studio-imposed embargo on when reviews may be published, broadcast or posted.
- If members are not allowed to see a film in time for review, they are not obligated to promote or publicise that film in any way.
- Members who have been previously employed — financially or as consultants — with a Filmmaking company must declare so in their FCG Application.